The Accounts Payable Aging report

Use the Accounts Payable Aging report shows you how much you owe your vendors at any point in time. Use the report to keep track of:

  • How much you owe your vendors.
  • How long you’ve owed your vendors.
  • Which of your vendors you owe the most money to.
  • Due dates for purchase invoices (in the Detailed report).
  • The credit limit your vendors are giving you.

What the report tells you

The Accounts Payable Aging report shows you a totaled list of all the invoices that you haven’t yet paid, less any credit notes you’ve received not yet had refunded.

It helps you find out how much money you can need to pay to vendor, and the total amount that you have to pay by a specific date. Don’t forget, if you’re registered for tax, the report totals include the tax because that’s how much money you will need to pay your vendors.

Aging periods by days

The total of unpaid transactions show in each period based the numbers of days past the invoice date.

< 30 days The age of the transaction is between 0 – 29 days.
< 60 days The age of the transaction is between 30 – 59 days.
< 90 days The age of the transaction is between 60 – 89 days.
< 120 days The age of the transaction is 90 – 119 days.
Older The age of the transaction is 120 days or older.

For example, if today's date is 10 July, invoices dated between 11 June and 10 July show in the < 30 days column, invoices dated 11 May to 10 June show in the < 60 days column.

Aging periods by calendar month

The total of unpaid transaction show in each column based on the month. The first column is the current month. Subsequent columns show outstanding transactions for the previous months.

For example, if today's date is 10 July, invoices dated anytime in July show in the Current column, invoices dated anytime in June show in the 1 Month column.

Current transactions dated in the current month
1 month transactions dated last month
2 months transactions dated 2 months ago
3 months transactions dated 3 months ago
Older transactions are older than 3 months

Why is it important

The Accounts Payable Aging report helps you track the health of your business. Use the report to

  • Understand how much money you owe at one time and how long the amount has been outstanding.

  • Identify which vendors you pay need to first and when you need to pay.

  • Identify which vendors offer the best credit terms to help you make the best purchasing decisions.

  • Tell potential investors how long it usually takes your business to pay invoices.

Run the report

For all vendors

  1. From Reporting, choose More.
  2. Select Accounts Payable Aging.
  3. Choose how to sort the report
    1. By Name to see the amount you owe each vendor alphabetically.
    2. By Outstanding amount to see who you owe the most money to first.
  4. Click Calculate.

For a single vendor

  • Enter the vendor name in the Search box.

Up to a specific date

You may want to run a the report to show the total amount you owe at a point in time in the past. This is often required by your Accountant for auditing purposes.

Comparing the Accounts Payable Aging report with the trial balance at point in time also confirms that all the transactions have been entered correctly.

When you run the run the report retrospectively (for a date in the past), any payments received after that date are not included, so invoices that have been paid subsequently will show as outstanding.

  • Enter the required date and choose Calculate.

Include details of unpaid invoices

  • To include a list of unpaid invoices as well at the total amount outstanding, choose Detailed.

Per group of vendors or other analysis type

If you have set up Analysis Types to group transactions together, you can run the filter the report to just show your Accounts Payable Aging by each type.

For example, you might have grouped your vendors by their location, or grouped your purchases by department or cost centre.

  • From More, choose the Analysis Type and Category.

  • Select Calculate.

Read more about Analysis Types

Print or export the report

  1. Select Export then choose one of the following:
    1. CSV – Depending on your Internet browser, the file automatically downloads to your Downloads folder or you’re prompted to save the file. If prompted, browse to where you want to save the file then click Save.

    2. PDF – The PDF opens in a new window or tab, and you can then print or save it from your Internet browser menu.

Negative amounts on the Accounts Payable Aging report

A negative amount shows on the report when you have an outstanding credit note that's not yet been used to pay to an invoice, or not refunded.

If the credit note should be used to pay off an outstanding invoice, go to Contacts to apply it to the correct invoice.

The balance on a vendor record and the Accounts Payable Aging report don't match

Many people use the Accounts Payable Aging report to check that the balance on the a vendor record is also correct. In most circumstances, the two figures should match.

When the figures don't match, this usually because your vendor balance includes all invoices, payments and credit notes, including those dated in the future. Your Accounts Payable Aging report only shows transactions up to the date specified on the report.

Check that you have chosen the correct date for the Accounts Payable Aging report. If the date is in the past, the report may not include some more recently dated transactions.