Edit or void a sales invoice

This explains how to make changes to a sales invoice. How you edit the invoice depends on whether it's been paid .

  • Included on a VAT return - the invoice cannot be edited or deleted. Reverse it with a credit note and then re-enter the invoice.
  • Paid - remove the link or unallocate to the payment or credit note first.
  • Draft or unpaid invoice - can be edited or deleted as required.

If you enter a sales invoice with incorrect details or in error, you can't delete the invoice. However, you can make edits or mark it as void if the invoice has not been reconciled.

  • You cannot make edits nor void an invoice, once it has been reconciled. Once the invoice has been reconciled, you must credit it out and re-enter it, to correct the invoice.
  • To void or edit saved invoices, you need full access to the Sales option. If you have restricted access, you can only edit or delete draft invoices.
  • Voiding an invoice removes its amounts, but it remains in your accounts so the invoice numbers are sequential and you can view it.
  • If the invoice has a draft status, you can delete it, as it doesn’t have an invoice number and its values don’t appear on your ledgers.

How you edit or void the invoice depends on whether it has been paid by a payment or a credit note.

Editing or voiding an invoice that includes stock items

Any edits to stock lines will update the Goods Out transaction within the stock activity. If you void a sales invoice, it will delete the stock movement too and adjust the stock levels.

Editing an invoice

  1. From Sales, click Sales Invoices.
  2. Click the relevant invoice.
  3. Make any necessary changes to the invoice and Save.

You have successfully changed the invoice and the new values appear in your accounts.

Void an invoice

  1. From Sales, click Sales Invoices.
  2. Locate the required invoice.
  3. Select the check box next to the invoice you want to void and click Delete.
  4. Enter the reason for voiding the invoice and click Yes.

The status of the invoice now shows as Void and the values no longer appear in your accounts.

Editing or void an invoice paid with a customer receipt

Before you can edit or void the invoice, you first need to delete the receipt. If the receipt was entered in error, you can delete it and the values will be removed from your accounts. If the receipt entered was correctly, but you need to void or edit the invoice, you can unallocate the invoice and receipt. The receipt then becomes a payment on account which you can allocate to another invoice, if necessary.

Note: You cannot delete a receipt if it has been bank reconciled. Instead you should follow the steps below to unallocate the receipt. Once you’ve unallocated it you can correct the values in your accounts. You can post a customer refund with the same details as the original receipt.

Editing or voiding an invoice paid with a credit note

When you allocate a credit note to an invoice, or create a credit note from within an invoice, a customer transaction is created. Before you can edit or void an invoice that’s been paid using a credit note, you must remove this transaction.

Note: The date of the transaction is the date you allocated the invoice and credit note. If you allocated multiple transactions at the same time, and you only want to unallocate one invoice and credit note, the remaining transactions are unaffected. If the credit note covered multiple invoices, click the credit note, change the amount to pay, and Save. For example, if the invoice was for $50 and the credit note was $100, the amount to pay should be -$50.

  1. Click Contacts.
  2. Click the required contact.
  3. Click the Activity tab.
  4. Click the relevant customer transaction.
  5. Clear the check boxes for the invoice and the credit note you want to unallocate.
  6. Click Save.

You have successfully unallocated the sales invoice and credit note which are now outstanding.

Delete a customer receipt

  1. From Banking, click the bank account the receipt was paid into.
  2. Click the Activity tab.
  3. Select the check box next to the required receipt.
  4. Click Delete.
  5. Click Yes.
  6. You have successfully deleted the receipt.

Unallocate a customer receipt

Note: If the receipt covers multiple invoices and you unallocate one of them, the remaining invoices are unaffected.

  1. From Banking, click the bank account the receipt was paid into.
  2. Click the Activity tab and then the required receipt.
  3. From the bottom of the Customer Receipt window, clear the check box for the relevant invoice and Save.
  4. You’re prompted to save the unallocated amount as a payment on account. Click Yes.

You have successfully unallocated the customer receipt and the invoice. The payment on account is now available to allocate to the same invoice or a different one.

Reversing an invoice paid with a credit note (included on a tax return)

You cannot edit or delete an invoice once it's been included on a tax return. If you need to make changes or void an invoice included on a tax return, then you must cancel the original invoice by creating a credit note with the same details.

  1. From Sales, click Sales Invoices.
  2. Click the relevant invoice.
  3. From More, click Create Credit Note and enter the same date as the original invoice.
  4. Check the information on the credit note is the same as the original invoice and click Save.

If necessary, you can now create a new invoice with the correct details. The credit not will be included on your next tax report and corrects your liability to the tax authority.